Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Voice of silence

Until recently the tragedy that came in wake of Tsunami were memories from the distant past. 
The papers carried an article about a family that was reunited with its daughter after years of the destruction that Tsunami left behind. In the same breath I also read an article by Radha Krishnan on carbon footprint (refer to Deccan Chronicle 28th Dec 2011).The
article outlined a Danish firm's attempt to foray into the Indian retailing scenario in the late 90's. Per a survey amongst European nations stated therein, sale of cold food/beverages remained consistent through the year irrespective of seasons as their homes, offices and even cars are designed to maintain and regulate temperatures. Subsequently discussed was the carbon footprints these nations were leaving behind and India accounting for 5% of the planets harmful emissions.(We come in 5th).
Whilst composing the verses below, following the natural train of thoughts under the given context I couldn't help but rue that freebies go unappreciated and are taken for granted. Case in point. Our planet. Given to much abuse and misuse in the hands of mankind, under the guise of infrastructural and industrial development, nature's wrath is but our's for the asking ( actually, not asking).

The seas did not flood.
Only the sobs drowned
under the crashing waves.
She cried, relentlessly
even as she choked
and was yanked
smothered and mocked.

Yet she bore,
the burden of your weight,
silent and strong in distress
Yet nothing she gave,
you took,
sufficed to sate.

You wrecked her
till she lay barren.
Till there was pain and death
and now that her tears so freely flow
Oh! do you blame enough and how!!

But you never did pay any heed
Could you ever see beyond your need.
Does the price still seem worth?
Worth the greens and the blood?
The seas did not flood.

Only now does she bitterly weep
She was here,always,for you.
A gift, a blessing,
unconditional and kind
A love for you to keep.