Monday, May 16, 2011

The world I call my own

There's something
about this moment.
The wind. The smells.
The sights. The touch.
They stir. They tease.
And they awaken
the deepest of feel,
that lay dormant.
There's something
about this moment.

Everything around collude
to seemingly conspire.
and lead me here
where the writings are
on the wall,
in invisible ink,
all of my heart's desire.

The compelling surge.
The gentle ebb.
Tides, that,
sometimes caress,
sometimes crash
the shore.
Slowly and steadily
seeping in.
A yes. A No.
Of Rights. Of wrongs.
No matter.
I am here-
my world
the mystic beyond-
The horizon be
where they merge.

1 comment:

  1. Su, searched the whole world wide web for you - hope you are well. Thank God for small mercies that I finally found you.

    Lots of love,
    [Bri on IF]
